The biggest gains in function appeared in those people who had gone through severe forms of alcohol withdrawal. Previous researchers had used animal testing to theoretically establish the fact that people with alcoholism can experience important improvements in their memory function if they stop using alcohol. Alcoholism centers on persistent changes in everyday brain function that cause the brain to rely on the continued intake of a typically high amount of one or more forms of alcohol.

brain fog after quitting drinking

Do you feel as though your thinking is less sharp and your memory muddier today than it was before a COVID-19 infection during the pandemic? This “brain fog” is one of the most common concerns that patients of all ages come to me with these days. There are many possible contributors, including post-COVID-19 syndrome (also called “Long Haul COVID”). If an individual is experiencing severe or persistent symptoms, seeking professional help may be necessary. A healthcare professional can provide a thorough evaluation and diagnosis and recommend an appropriate treatment plan. Depending on the severity of the brain fog and other related symptoms, a healthcare provider may recommend medication, therapy, or other interventions to support recovery.

Fuzzy Thinking during the First Weeks of Recovery

It’s not clear exactly how long it takes for neurotransmitters to return to normal when you quit drinking alcohol. Some research says that might only happen in a few days, while others say up to six months. alcohol brain fog The best thing would be not to drink any more alcohol so your neurotransmitters can go back to normal quickly. Sometimes when you get rid of alcohol, your brain gets very sensitive to all kinds of things.

brain fog after quitting drinking

At the same time, Pagano added, alcohol speeds up a neurotransmitter called glutamate, which is responsible for regulating dopamine in the brain’s reward center. “It’s generating feelings of pleasure and well-being,” said Pagano. “That’s why you might get that warm, fuzzy feeling when you’re drinking.” However, a 2018 study published in The Lancet suggests that there is no safe level of alcohol consumption.

How Long Does It Take for Brain Cells to Return to Normal After Alcohol Stroke?

We welcome anyone who wishes to join in by asking for advice, sharing our experiences and stories, or just encouraging someone who is trying to quit or cut down. Please post only when sober; you’re welcome to read in the meanwhile. While alcohol can act as a social lubricant and may provide “liquid courage” for people who are otherwise anxious or shy, Pagano warned against relying on it too much. “If drinking allows you to engage in behavior you wouldn’t engage in otherwise, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it,” said Pagano. “And if you always use it to have a good time, you won’t learn how to be okay in social situations without it.”